Tourists do not come to New York, London or Paris for the animals, they come to shop and see shows |
Business Managers Care About Results
In my recent conversations and work with a dozen executives, it is still rare to see clear understanding of content marketing. Some executives in technology companies appreciate and understand marketing, advertising and social media use. The diffusion of new knowledge, especially new trends in internet marketing, is not as quick as insiders think. Internet marketing insiders tend to think in the way they see the world. Yet in businesses not working with the internet as a key business tool, even early adopters want to see results. Besides calibrating expectations, content marketers need to show results. This could be in the statistics of engagement (comments on blogs, mailing list subscriptions, e-book downloads) and actual bottom line results (orders, quotes, requests for contact). One advantage of content marketing has over other techniques is in the ability to plug into already available analytic tracking and reporting. Google AdWords and many similar services already developed analytics products, content marketers need to learn how to use them. Then show results, and improve statistics, which will lead to executive's respect and attention.
Our customers, th product managers and property owners (these are also site owners) need to show results. Today, having a nice product, well designed and even competitive in features is not enough. In most market sectors there are too many competing products chasing after a small number of customers. Each mall will sell the same number of shirts, shoes and bras year after year. If one shop sells more another will sell less. Unless some creative designer, a brand manager or us the marketers comes up with something brilliant, sales growth will only come from lower prices. This is not going to make the seller more profits. Creative branding (hey my product is for the cool and sexy people, like you), new designs (Crocks, Nike, Swatch) and end of season sales are hard work. They also require a great deal of time, money and planning. Content marketing helps both in marketing innovation and in everyday hum-drum marketing. The ability to give business managers a platform to solve real sales problems is key to showing content marketing's value. Content marketing is not simply to "look good". It is to solve real world business issues.
But consumers like solutions. In internet search and information gathering, that means a good source (i.e. reliable, truthful, honest, current, etc.) If you are interested in a field, either for business or for personal reason here is where content marketing will be relevant. You care also about what people think, trends, market pulse and other pieces of information that we call "water cooler conversation" or "I heard it through the grape vine" or "I would like to have been a fly on the wall" or "the whisper number" (from before the announcement of quarterly results in wall street investing). Either interaction with someone on an informal basis or information not publicly known but shared by insiders. Here is where virtual communities, private communication and deep non-key-word-only searches are important. This is what content marketing can give a consumer. Here is where content marketer can update interested consumers quickly (bloggers serve as the paparazzi of the internet age). Here is where you can read a long article explaining a highly technical technique or a an explanation which may belong in a book instead of a Twitter message or even a graphic drawing on Facebook. Informing communities and becoming a reliable source is one way to help people so they eventually become consumers.
Finally come results. Out of all the writing, editing, linking and drawing, consumers eventually get the information they need and make a decision. This is what results looks like. Eventually someone buys something, votes for a cause or reads your book about a problem. When they need it or when they want it or when they have money... or when they want to show off... or for any other reason. This is where the advantage of content marketing comes to play. So if your product has already gone viral selling at the mall or playing on YouTube, content marketing is just going to make the diffusion faster. But if you have an abstract, complex or niche product, then you need to get information and convincing arguments (i.e. examples, demonstrations, statistical benefits) so someone would even take a look. So get writing and photographing, otherwise nothing will get sold out there... just kidding.
Our customers, th product managers and property owners (these are also site owners) need to show results. Today, having a nice product, well designed and even competitive in features is not enough. In most market sectors there are too many competing products chasing after a small number of customers. Each mall will sell the same number of shirts, shoes and bras year after year. If one shop sells more another will sell less. Unless some creative designer, a brand manager or us the marketers comes up with something brilliant, sales growth will only come from lower prices. This is not going to make the seller more profits. Creative branding (hey my product is for the cool and sexy people, like you), new designs (Crocks, Nike, Swatch) and end of season sales are hard work. They also require a great deal of time, money and planning. Content marketing helps both in marketing innovation and in everyday hum-drum marketing. The ability to give business managers a platform to solve real sales problems is key to showing content marketing's value. Content marketing is not simply to "look good". It is to solve real world business issues.
Customers Care About Solutions and Results
Customers read blogs and learn through formal in informal information so they can solve their problems. They eventually make a decision to buy something, to vote for someone or to read and understand something (I write about real life in Israel: In the fashion industry that means keeping up with trends, finding out details on specific products (material, construction, value) tips on buying and maintaining better quality products (better can be more in fashion, better design, better materials or construction) and them make a decision based on the facts they gather. Customers know and they never expect to have all the facts. Every person has their need for information and eventually too much information is simply overload.But consumers like solutions. In internet search and information gathering, that means a good source (i.e. reliable, truthful, honest, current, etc.) If you are interested in a field, either for business or for personal reason here is where content marketing will be relevant. You care also about what people think, trends, market pulse and other pieces of information that we call "water cooler conversation" or "I heard it through the grape vine" or "I would like to have been a fly on the wall" or "the whisper number" (from before the announcement of quarterly results in wall street investing). Either interaction with someone on an informal basis or information not publicly known but shared by insiders. Here is where virtual communities, private communication and deep non-key-word-only searches are important. This is what content marketing can give a consumer. Here is where content marketer can update interested consumers quickly (bloggers serve as the paparazzi of the internet age). Here is where you can read a long article explaining a highly technical technique or a an explanation which may belong in a book instead of a Twitter message or even a graphic drawing on Facebook. Informing communities and becoming a reliable source is one way to help people so they eventually become consumers.
Finally come results. Out of all the writing, editing, linking and drawing, consumers eventually get the information they need and make a decision. This is what results looks like. Eventually someone buys something, votes for a cause or reads your book about a problem. When they need it or when they want it or when they have money... or when they want to show off... or for any other reason. This is where the advantage of content marketing comes to play. So if your product has already gone viral selling at the mall or playing on YouTube, content marketing is just going to make the diffusion faster. But if you have an abstract, complex or niche product, then you need to get information and convincing arguments (i.e. examples, demonstrations, statistical benefits) so someone would even take a look. So get writing and photographing, otherwise nothing will get sold out there... just kidding.
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